Do you have a lot of FREE Time on your hands? If you are a blogger this might be something you would love to get in on! Only a few more days to register and I don’t want you to miss out on it! This is going to be a lot of fun! It is going to be great to meet a bunch of new bloggers too! 🙂 I am looking forward to trying something totally new! I signed up to be a Co-Host too! 🙂
“The Ultimate Virtual Cookie and Goodies Party”
When: November 9th – November 22, 2014
There is going to be a Giveaway too! 🙂 Woot! Woot! Who doesn’t love Giveaways??
if your a blogger and would like to TO SIGN UP TO PARTICIPATE, the deadline IS NOVEMBER 1!
We are so excited about all the Food and Fun which comes with the Seasons changing!
Some of my friends and I are offering this Blogger Opp for an event we are calling
the Ultimate Virtual Cookie & Goodies Party And Giveaway!
Shirley of Intelligent Domestications, Erlene of My Pinterventures, Kristen of The Road To Domestication and Roxanne of The Honey Comb Home are all working like Santa’s little helpers to bring you the most fun virtual party of the season!

The Fun will include:
- Link Up for you to share all of your Cookies and Goodie recipes PLUS your party ideas including any Free Printables you want to promote for decorations, invitations and such!
- You will be invited to Pin to our Collaborative Group Board so even more folks will see your Pins and your posts!
- We have a Twitter party in the works too!
But wait! There’s more!
- There simply must be a Giveaway, right! Giveaway’s drive non-blogger traffic to your blog AND grow your followers. Since this party will end before Black Friday, what better prize than CASH! We are starting with $100 in Cash, Winner’s Choice of either Paypal or Amazon eGift Card. This is a Worldwide Giveaway and event. The $100 will grow and some lucky person is going to have a nice Black Friday!
We would love for you to Co-Host this event with us! Co-Host links will go at the top of the Rafflecopter in the order in which they are received. The Co-Host spots are $15 which includes 4 links on the Rafflecopter and a link back to your blog in the body of the post.
Bundle pack of links is $10 for 4 links.
Individual links are $3 each.
Everyone who joins the Ultimate Virtual Cookies & Goodies Party will post the party and Giveaway as one post on their blog. We ask that you agree to share as often as possible during the 2 week event, not less than 4 times! It’s not a party without some Guests to enjoy our Recipes and Decorations and Party prizes!
If you would like to help us promote this party and make it as big and successful as possible, grab the HTML announcement here. Just copy and paste it onto your blog!
We have done All the work. You will receive the HTML ready to go.
Let’s get this party started!