I never really knew much about Haas Avocados or eating them. A few family members asked me to try a slice of an avocado. At first, I didn’t think it had a lot of flavor to it. It wasn’t a bad taste but it was different. I applaud myself for trying something new as I have many food allergies.
Things You Didn’t Know About Avocados:
Avocados are actually a FRUIT!
- Nutritious
- Tastes good
- Fruit of the Avocado Tree
- Rich in fiber
- Contains no sodium and no cholesterol
- Protects you against eye disease (Lutein)
- Low in saturated fats
- Contains more potassium than bananas
- 234 Calories: 1 Cup sliced
- Has Protein: 1 oz. (serving) = 1 gram, 5 oz. (5 servings) = 3 grams
- Vitamin A: 4%
- Vitamin C: 24%
- Calcium: 1%
- Vitamin B-6: 20%
- Iron: 4%
- Magnesium:10%
To determine how much protein to be eating, visit Protein Food Gallery at ChooseMyPlate
I like adding avocado slices to a sandwich.

Avocado Slices to eat for a snack

Avocados are a favorite in our house!
Thanks for stopping by! Avocados are so nutritious! Glad to hear they are a favorite in your house!