Everything You Wanted To Know About The Healthy Meal Planning Bundle

Hey Friend,

Are you as intrigued as I am about the flash sale of the Healthy Meal Planning Bundle, a collection of resources created to help you get dinner on the table – fast?

If you still have questions, keep reading!

Q1: What’s all included in the Healthy Meal Planning Bundle?

A1: This bundle is a collection of 11 eBooks, 11 cookbooks, 9 eCourses, 15 meal plans, 10 printables, a summit & a membership site. Inside, you will find resources to save money on groceries with smart shopping strategies, eat healthier breakfasts, lunches, and dinners with hundreds of tested recipes, and free up hours every week with an organized meal plan — all for $37.

Q2: What am I going to do with so many resources?

A2: There is no way on earth each of these eBooks / eCourses is relevant to where you are right now. But in most cases, it only takes 3 or 4 eBooks or eCourses for you to start saving money. Not to mention, there are 8 resources alone that are worth as much or more than the cost of the bundle itself. So, even though you won’t use every resource in the bundle, it would still be really hard to not save a ton of money anyway.

Q3: How do I know I can actually use these?

A3: The Ultimate Bundles team spends months reviewing potential contributors and we have tried to include something for everyone. If you are just starting out with meal planning, there are plenty of guides and video tutorials to give you the confidence you need! And if you already know how it all works, you have hundreds of recipes, pre-made plans, and organizational materials to bring a bit of variety into your meals.

Q4: OK, but what if I buy it and don’t like it?

A4: Although Ultimate Bundles has an extremely low return rate (less than 1/4 of the industry standard), they know that life happens, and the bundle might not be a fit for you right now. That’s why they offer a 100% happiness guarantee refund policy for 30 days. If you don’t love it, just email customerservice@ultimatebundles.com to ask for a full refund.

Q5: This sounds like a scam. Can you prove it’s not?

A5: I know it seems too good to be true. Pay $37 for $1474.64 in resources?

  • I’ve been an affiliate for Ultimate Bundles for years and I can tell you everything is 100% legitimate. I offer these bundles to my readers because they’re a great value. And when you buy a bundle through your favorite blogger (hopefully me!), you’ll support them, too! Plus, the bundle is only offered for a short time, which is why I keep reminding you about it. 😉

In short, it’s a great deal for everyone. Ultimate Bundles is a reputable company. If you try the bundle and don’t like it, just ask their friendly, helpful customer happiness team for a refund within 30 days of purchasing.

Q6: What are the cheat sheets? ($10/Optional)

A6: The cheat sheets were created because bundle customers wanted a quick way to find the resources that were most applicable right now. These CliffNotes-style summaries will not only allow you to zone in on which resources you should start with, but they’ll also allow you to absorb the key principles way faster.

My Top Picks

Pantry Packs: Creative Meals Using What You’ve Got by Amylee Udell (eBook) 
Delicious, nutritious, creative, and surprisingly satisfying meals using items found in the typical North American pantry.

The Complete Guide to Meal Planning Binder: Everything You Need to Know to Stop Wasting Time, Money, and Food by Amanda Waterston (eBook) 
Everything you need to know to stop wasting time, money, and food.

Healthy Shopping by Christa Orecchio (eCourse) 
Tour the grocery store to learn easy tips on how to get foods in your diet that improve your energy, digestion, weight, and moods. You’ll learn organic vs. non-organic options, what’s okay to buy frozen, soda and juice alternatives, and more!

The Nourishing Meal Builder by Lacy Ngo, MS, RDN (eBook) 
Create meals that promote health, happiness, & healing.

The Easy Toddler Snack Book by Ophira B (Cookbook) 
Whole foods focussed toddler snack recipes that are not only yummy and healthy but meal planning appropriately.

The Healthy Lunch Box: Sandwich-Free Secrets to Packing a Real Food Lunch by Katie Kimball (eBook) 
Loaded with strategies to streamline your packing process, stock your pantry with emergency backups for your backups, and send healthy, delicious food in the lunch box.


$15 discount code from Trilight Health worth $15

  • TriLight Health has specialized in great tasting, alcohol and sugar-free, liquid herbal formulas for pregnancy, children, and the family for over 25 years. The exclusive 3 Stage Liquid Light Process is what makes the formulas Fast Acting and Effective for Adults, but Taste so good that Children Love them!*


$20 discount code from Balance One Supplements worth $20

  • Balance One Supplements is a family-owned business that makes premium health supplements for gut health and more. Products in this promotion include our highly-rated time-release Probiotic, Turmeric, and CandAssist formulas. All supplements are manufactured in the US, free from common allergens, vegan, and non-GMO. Learn more at balanceone.com.


15 pack of FireCreek Snack Stix from FireCreek Snacks worth $32.50

  • FireCreek Snacks sells delicious craft protein snack sticks and seasonings. FireCreek Snack Stix are made with no artificial ingredients, real hickory smoke, and the perfect seasonings for a truly exceptional taste. The Stix are high-protein, low-sugar, and free of any gluten, MSG, soy, or nitrates. That’s why so many call them “The Best Snacks in the World!”


1 free online cooking class from Chicca’s Cooking Club worth $27

  • Cooking from home is fun, easy, and full of culture with Chicca’s Cooking Club. Cook alongside a charismatic Italian host, Chicca Maione, through a series of online cooking classes, live from Tuscany. You’ll learn how to make simple recipes with quality, seasonal ingredients.


Two weeks supply of Just Thrive Probiotic & Antioxidant from JustThrive worth $25

  • Just Thrive is a natural health supplement company with a focus on gut health and immune support. Their signature product is a powerful spore-based probiotic which survives the digestive process 100% alive and also produces antioxidants in the gut. Just Thrive conducts research and clinical trials, and only brings products to the market that are needed. Just Thrive encourages customers to take control of their health by empowering them with knowledge, information, and products that make a difference.


In my opinion, you really don’t want to pass up a deal this good.

But I’ll leave that up to you.

Just don’t wait too long, because the flash sale ends on January 27th at Midnight!

Countdown Timer

Have a great day!



Everything You Wanted To Know About The Healthy Meal Planning Bundle Read More »