The Collective – Kupon Girl

The Collective

Grow Your Side Hustle & Why You Want To Join The Collective this March!

The Collective 2021

Hey, there Friend!

Quite a few of you have already decided to join the Collective — a membership to help you achieve your goals whether you’re a blogger, content creator, or affiliate marketer — and I haven’t even told you about my favorite part!

I told you that you could learn from experts but I didn’t tell you who those experts will be…

Well, I am so excited to tell you that for the month of March, you will get to learn from Nadalie Bardo!

Nadalie Bardo is a Pinterest and Blogging Coach who is dedicated to helping blogs, businesses, and brands like yours achieve their goals of more traffic, more subscribers, and more sales.

And since she’s this month’s expert, that means that for an entire month, she is going to be teaching you how to launch and level up your website’s traffic with Pinterest. During that time, we will have some live face-to-face time with her, she will be answering questions daily, and you will also do some homework together with her…

By the end of that month you will be able to confidently identify what is working (and not working) with your Pinterest growth because you will have already taken action on it after learning step-by-step how she does it too.

The Collective is an amazing opportunity to learn from Nadalie and other experts in the coming months at a low, can’t-be-beat price.

I’d love for you to join in on the fun!

P.S. Nadalie’s time as the featured Collective expert officially started on March 1st, but you can still join in and get a ton of value from her expertise!


Grow Your Side Hustle & Why You Want To Join The Collective this March! Read More »

Everything you wanted to know about the Collective

The Collective 2021

Hey, there Friend!

So many of you have already invested in yourself and your blog by joining the all-new Collective, a community for bloggers, content creators, and affiliate marketers where you can get expert advice, feedback, and support.

Since this is something that’s new for us (and new for Ultimate Bundles), I wanted to answer some of the great questions I’ve been asked about this membership and how it all works.

Q1: What’s the difference between this and bundles?

A1: Unlike the big resource libraries Ultimate Bundles normally creates, where you receive a ton of resources and are released to dig through it on your own, The Collective is a guide to walk you step-by-step through the processes of becoming a more successful blogger, content creator, or affiliate marketer.

Q2: How do I know I’m not actually getting repeat products from the bundles or not just a bunch of “throw-away” eBooks?

A2: The Ultimate Bundles team spends months reviewing potential contributors, approaches only the best for inclusion, and then only accepts the top products they think will have the most appeal out of those. This applies to their bundles as well as the Collective. All information and resources provided through the Collective have gone through their approval process to ensure members are only receiving the best of the best and that everything is all brand new! They are highly selective and it shows in the final product.

Q3: OK, but what if I subscribe and don’t like it?

A3: You’re not stuck in the Collective and can cancel at any time! If you don’t love it, just email to ask to cancel your membership.

Q4: What can I expect to happen in the private Facebook group?

A4: Every month a newly selected contributor will dive into a topic that will help you become more successful. Some topics include SEO, social media, or creating products. During that time, you will get to participate in live workshops, weekly discussions, and a challenge, and you’ll receive new resources not found in the bundles — all that revolve around the topic chosen for that month.

In short, it’s a great experience for everyone. Ultimate Bundles is a reputable company that has been around for 9 years, so not only do they know what resources you’ll need and enjoy, they also know that additional support and camaraderie are priceless. And you can get that for only $30 a month!

I hope that fully answers your questions!

But seriously, don’t wait. Nadalie Bardo is teaching about Pinterest right now in The Collective and I don’t want you to miss it!

P.S. Check out all the details here.


Everything you wanted to know about the Collective Read More »

The Collective – Everything You Need to Achieve Your Goals

The Collective 2021

Hey there Friend.

There’s a lot of free information online for bloggers, business owners, and content creators…

But do you ever wish that, instead of digging through random articles, you could spend time with actual experts and ask them all of your questions? And have someone to guide you step by step?

That’s definitely what I wanted when I first started out.

I knew all the right answers: learn SEO, use Pinterest to promote, partner with others, create products to attract an audience…

But where do you start with each of those? Wouldn’t it be great to have someone who could guide you through each of those topics (and more)?

It would! This is why I am so excited to tell you about something today!

It’s called The Collective brought to you by Ultimate Bundles.

The Collective is a membership that will help you conquer your online business, whether you are a blogger, content creator, or affiliate marketer (or aspire to be one!).

This is the first time Ultimate Bundles has ever created anything like this and it was born out of the feedback of customers looking for more accountability and support as they grow their blogs, businesses, and side hustles.

When you register for The Collective, you will:

  • Learn straight from the mouths of experts
  • Have accountability from others just like you
  • Gain access to never-before-seen resources
  • Achieve big goals
  • And so much more!

The Collective, just like their bundles, has been carefully assembled with experts, resources, and a community to help you achieve your blogging goals — at a price that’s too good to miss.

I’ll be back over the next few days to tell you more details about the Collective but for now…

Check out The Collective! 

Have an awesome day!

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