3 brand-crushing mistakes to avoid
The moment you discover personal branding, everything changes. You realize it’s the missing link you always wanted! The solution to standing out in a world of professionals just like you.
But you know what?
It’s not enough to just build a personal brand, because there are a lot of common mistakes that make things harder, not easier, on you!
Are you making any of these personal brand mistakes? Let’s take a quick look…
#1: Not considering the legal side of your brand
I’m all for creativity! But you know what? Sometimes we ignore the “boring” sides of our business, like legal issues, because we only have so many hours in the day…and who wants to spend it reading legalization that makes our brain cells cry, right?
Well, I sympathize. I really do! But it’s time for a hard truth:
If you’re putting all this effort into building your brand, you need to protect yourself!
If you’re doing affiliate marketing, you may need to use certain disclaimers. If you’re doing coaching or sponsorships, you may need a contract. If you’re running a website, you’ll probably need to handle personal data at some point. You don’t want to find yourself stuck in a financial nightmare, just because you ignored the legal stuff until “later”. Don’t make this mistake.
If you need more help understanding the legal side of your personal brand, from people you can trust, be sure to check out Amira Irfan’s 3 Costly Legal Mistakes to Avoid as an Influencer and Kimberly DeCarrera’s Hot Button Legal Topics for Influencers at the Ultimate Personal Brand Summit!
#2: Being too afraid to try new things
Ouch, this one hurts, doesn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely someone who gets stuck in my comfort zone sometimes. I mean, I love new projects. I’m an entrepreneur, after all. 😉 But there are other projects I naturally avoid because I don’t like them.
And the problem is, sometimes those are the very skills and projects my brand needs to thrive.
Let’s take a video, for example.
More people than ever watch videos on social media, YouTube, and blogs. They’re everywhere! It’s a surefire way to build your audience and your brand. Besides, people like seeing the face behind the camera sometimes.
I wish I felt that way, haha.
Being “on film” isn’t my favorite thing in the world, but it’s an important skill to develop these days. And it’s just that – a skill I can learn like anything else! And I’m slowly getting better at it.
If you need more help tackling new projects like being more comfortable on camera too, be sure to check out Abigail King’s How to Learn to Love Talking on Camera and Faith Mariah’s Overcoming Fear of Visibility/Being on Camera for Anxious Introverts.
#3: Comparing yourself to someone else
This is another “ouch”, isn’t it?
I don’t know about you, but I’m often tempted to look at other people in my industry and think, “Wow, they have such a large following compared to me.”
And you know what? That might be true.
But it doesn’t mean you can’t use your smaller audience to meet your goals! 🙂
In fact, with the right systems and skills in place, sometimes a smaller audience is more powerful than a big audience. And your unique take on things is always more powerful than trying to be someone you’re not.
If you need more help making the most of the audience you have, be sure to check out Jenna Dancy’s Micro-Influencing: Creating and Growing a Community without a Massive Amount of Followers.
What mistakes are you making?
Look back at the three mistakes we went over, choose the one that is currently affecting you the most, and take action on it!
And for a whole lot more help with building your most powerful personal brand, check out the FREE Ultimate Personal Brand Summit that’s happening right now! They’ve got 32 experts lined up and ready to teach you everything from monetization, to building your audience, to leveraging social media and content creation, and so much more too!
Some speakers you might recognize include:
- Hailey Rowe, Marketing & Sales Coach
- Ruth Soukup, CEO of Ruth Soukup Omnimedia
- Katie Kimball, CSME & Group Speaker Coach
- Mike Michalowicz, Author & Keynote Speaker
- Brandi Mahon, Creative Owner
- Julie DeLucca-Collins, Tiny Habits Coach
- Kevin Harrington, Original Shark on Shark Tank
- Jenny Melrose, Business Coach & Podcast Host
- Heather Ritchie, Certified Content Marketing Strategist
- Amira Irfan, Business Lawyer
…and a whole lot more too!
It’s running through Friday, and this is one event that you can’t afford to miss if you want to build a more powerful personal brand this year.
Can’t wait to see you there!
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