Free Webinar: Ready for a calm, organized holiday season?

Ultimate Holiday Cooking Bundle 2021

Hey there Friend, 

As the holidays get closer, do you find yourself dreading your holiday cooking?

I completely understand. I don’t mind cooking – in fact, I rather enjoy it. But I always seem to feel stressed out, scatterbrained, and chaotic by the time holiday cooking rolls around. Trying to juggle all of my normal responsibilities on TOP of holiday commitments? It’s enough to make any woman, well, a hot mess. 😉   

That’s why I am so excited to tell you about a free class coming up!

My friends at Ultimate Bundles have teamed up with Jenny Eden Berk, Certified Eating Psychology Coach, Culinary Nutritionist, and #1 bestselling author, to present a FREE class called:

10 Ways to Stay Calm, Mindful, & Organized in the Kitchen During the Holiday Season 

In this free workshop, you’ll learn tips & tips to make your holiday cooking faster, easier, and far less stressful

Jenny helps sensitive and soulful women release chronic stress, restore body confidence, eat consciously, and heal their relationship with food. And I’m sure you’ll enjoy what she has to share here.

The class is being offered only once on Tuesday, October 4th at 2:00 pm ET. 

Join  Here for 10 Ways to Stay Calm, Mindful, & Organized in the Kitchen

Free Webinar: Ready for a calm, organized holiday season? Read More »