Herbs and Essential Oils – Kupon Girl

Herbs and Essential Oils

My health suffered in the past, but my future looks bright!

I had absolutely hit a wall. Years of pushing myself to the limits had taken its toll.

I was always exhausted, struggling with wacky hormones, painful joints, and dealing with insomnia. I was constantly visiting the doctor’s office and just getting the run-around. No real solutions to help me out.

The Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle is helping me out tremendously!!

My Top Picks 

  1. The Complete Guide to Using Essential Oils in Your Home (eBook) by Shannon Acheson 
    If you want to use essential oils in your home more, but feel like there’s so much info out there, then you’ll love this 63-page PDF guide packed with everything you need to know to – without the overwhelm.
  2. Blending Guide for Aromatherapy Inhalers (eBook) by Kristyn Bango
    Dive into a favorite part of aromatherapy, experimenting, and creating blends with essential oils, start by taking a personal journey through scent and selecting oils that fit into your blend objective.
  3. Healing Kitchen Herbs: 12 Common Herbs With Powerful Medicinal Benefits (eBook) by Colleen Codekas 
    Learn about 12 common culinary herbs and how to use them medicinally!
  4. Herbal Teas for Winter Health (eBook) by Carol Little 
    Whether you are new to herbal medicine and the world of herbs or a devotee with your own personal favorites, you will find insightful ideas for tasty blends and also a detailed list of Carol’s preferred winter tea herbs.
  5. An Herbal Winter (eCourse) by Kathie N. Lapcevic 
    Slow down and enjoy a natural season of flavorful food, healing remedies, natural skincare, and more.
  6. Relaxing Home Spa: 24 Natural Recipes for Self-Care (eBook) by Rebecca Brumfield 
    In this recipe booklet, you will find some lush and pampering at-home spa treatments to enhance your well-being at home.

I have been able to learn to manage my stress more effectively, but the support I received from those herbs and oils? It was HUGE. I can’t even say what a difference it made.

Maybe you’ve felt like I did, a bit out of control or those mainstream medical experts didn’t have any answers for you?

In particular, it includes a library of resources for using herbs and essential oils to help you address mild to moderate conditions – without a prescription.

With 35 eBooks, eCourses, and printables, you’ll be able to find a ton of resources that apply to your life right now.

Whether you want to use herbs in cooking, learn to use essential oils safely, create beauty recipes with natural ingredients, or blend customized herbal teas to address various health challenges, you’ll have a library of resources at your fingertips you can reach for again and again.

Truthfully, it’s the resource I wish I’d had years ago. (And at a 95% discount, it’s super affordable for anyone!)

Just $37 for $684.36 in resources

Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle 2020


P.S. This bundle sale is over on Friday at midnight. It’s just a super short sale so don’t miss it


Countdown Timer

My health suffered in the past, but my future looks bright! Read More »

Learn How To Make Herbal Preparations

Hey Friends,

This year, I haven’t always felt safe leaving my home. I’ve been afraid of getting sick or passing an illness on to my more vulnerable loved ones. So I decided to start learning how I could stay healthy — without leaving home as often.

One of the most recent things I’ve found to help is the Herbal Academy’s Making Herbal Preparations 101 Course. And best of all, I’m learning so much!

The Making Herbal Preparations 101 Course is the perfect entry point into the wild and wonderful world of herbs, covering basic herbal preparations that have helped me build my own repertoire of exciting, nourishing formulas.

Inside the Intensive, I’m learning:

  • Four basic categories of herbal preparations
  • A dozen everyday safe herbs to use at home
  • 33 DIY herbal recipes from teas and tinctures to salves and oils
  • Plus, a whole lot more!

Normally, you can get access to the Making Herbal Preparations 101 Course for $47, but for just a few more days, you can get it for $37!

But that’s not all…
I’m also really excited about the Essential Oils for Abundant Living Starter Kit eCourse (valued at $24.95). The Essential Oils for Abundant Living Starter Kit is the perfect first step for anyone who wants to use essential oils safely & effectively! It includes 3 Video Lessons, 3 Transcripts (PDFs) & Audios (MP3s), and 3 Safety Downloads (Dilution Guide + Diffuser Guide + Roller Bottle Guide).

Together, these resources normally sell for $71.95, but you can get them both for $37.

Here’s how to do it:
All of these are part of the Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle, a collection of 35 eCourses, eBooks, and printables, including these two resources I just told you about.
Now, I know that seems like a lot of resources, but here’s the thing… even if just a handful of products apply to your life right now, it’s well worth the investment.
And the best part is this collection is yours to keep. It isn’t going anywhere. All you need to do is download all the eBooks and register for the eCourses within six months of purchase.

Everything in the bundle can be yours for just $37, but only if you buy it before it goes off sale on Friday at midnight!

Click here to get your own library of natural remedies.
But don’t wait too long: I’d hate for you to miss this discount!

In addition to the 35 amazing resources in this bundle, you’ll also get bonuses worth $113.48 which include:
  • Free pair of essential oil diffuser earrings, The Oil Collection diffuser jewelry allows you to diffuse wherever you go. Enjoy original designs, classic styles, and hypo-allergenic jewelry for your essential oils. With these earrings, no one will know you’re diffusing on the go! (Value $19.99)
  • Skin Relief Salve>Puro Co is a small batch, body care company that uses high quality, safe ingredients to create their skincare products.(Value $15)
  • Citrus Lotion Stick and Natural Lip Balm from MadeOn Skincare MadeOn Skin Care is dedicated to helping people fix their dry skin and mild eczema naturally. Made with few ingredients, they only use the necessary ingredients needed to get the job done. As a family-run business since 2009, you can count on personalized care to keep your family’s skin smooth and problem-free. Value $15.50)
  • Feel Better Fast from Earthley When you or your loved ones are sick, the only thing you want is for you or them to feel better, fast! That was the inspiration for this tincture. It combines five herbs that help to support the immune system, reduce inflammation, and settle upset tummies. Kids love the taste, so no more fighting them to get them to take their medicine! Don’t suffer–Feel Better Fast! (Value $17.99)
  • Free 2 Month Gold Membership from Oil Testimonials Oil-Testimonials has nearly 10,000 testimonials about quality essential oils. Using keyword searches, you can quickly learn the basics by reading testimonials posted by people around the world. ‘Discover Essential Oils Truths’ relating to health, cooking, cleaning, and more, all regardless of which brand you prefer.(Value $30)
  • $15 credit to TriLight Health TriLight Health has specialized in great tasting, alcohol- and sugar-free, liquid herbal formulas for pregnancy, children, and the family for over 25 years. Use this $15 credit for one of their herbal formulas. (Value $30)

P.S. If you’ve been trying to decide whether to get it or not, you might want to know they’ve got a 30-day happiness guarantee! Try it out and if you’re not satisfied for any reason, just ask for a refund within 30 days.

Have a great day!


Learn How To Make Herbal Preparations Read More »

Does This Sound Like You?

Hi Friends,

You’re tired of relying on others for your family’s health.

Instead, you’re looking for a proactive approach, so you can take health matters into your own hands.

But sorting through all the conflicting – and even wrong! – information online can be overwhelming.

That’s why I have to tell you about a package of resources that was created to help you take back your health – with natural remedies.

It’s called the Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle. **MAY 17 to May 22nd**

The bundle has 26 products (including 16 eBooks & printable plus 10 eCourses) to help you:

  • Rebuild your medicine cabinet with natural remedies
  • Preserve, harvest, and cook with healing herbs
  • Tackle your child’s health ailments naturally
  • Confidently and safely use essential oils in your home
  • Create beauty and skin care products without harmful ingredients
  • Survive cold and flu season without getting sick (and remedies to help you if you do)

Worried you won’t know where to start with all the products in the bundle?

Don’t be! Inside the bundle you’ll find a handy Getting Started Guide to help you find the categories you want to take action with right away.

The combined value of the resources in the bundle is over $770, but you get EVERYTHING for 93% off!

Check it out here 

If you want to learn how to make natural remedies a part of your family’s health regime, the Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle is just what you need.


P.S. Remember to buy the Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle before it expires on Monday, May 22 at 11:59 PM EST! Get yours now


Does This Sound Like You? Read More »

Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle – Get It Today!

Just imagine enjoying radiant good health… waking up with high energy every single day… feeling your body grow stronger… being able to offer your family alternative ways to heal when they get everyday ailments, and supporting better wellness overall so you get sick less often.

And imagine having a resource you can turn to, like a wise mentor, as new situations arise. You won’t have to spend hours crawling around the internet to get answers. You can be confident that you understand what you’re using, and aren’t taking risks with your family’s health.

One of my favorite online companies loves to put together what they call “bundles” which is their way of saying “a crazy amount of value in one really affordable package”.

Well, they’ve brought back one of their most popular bundles, just in time to get ready for a healthy new year! It’s called The Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle.

This bundle has: 21 eBooks, eCourses and printable cheat sheets, many of which are written by certified herbalists, aromatherapists, health researchers, educators and more, and are extremely practical and user-friendly.

Normally you’d buy these resources for more than $400.

But with their bundle model, you pay just $29.97 – less than 10% of the retail value – and less than your copay for many routine doctor visits.

With your bundle, you’ll have access to resources that teach you:

  • a 6-point checklist to choose only the highest quality, most effective essential oils
  • the 5 essential oils you’ll want to keep on hand
  • how to give yourself an emotional lift with a special mixture of two herbs, and how you can relax and fall asleep naturally
  • how to make an immune boost tincture formula
  • a lavender scalp treatment that leaves your hair soft and shiny (and a foot scrub that leaves your skin soft and soothes jangled nerves at the same time)

List of Herbs & Essential Oils Super Bundle Products:

  • 101 Essential Oil Blends for Topical & Aromatic Use by Rachel Zupke of Mason Jar Values ($7.99)
  • 5 Multi-Use Herbs (And What to Do with Them) by Sarah Josey of Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary & Clinic ($17.00)
  • Best Herbs & Essential Oils For Labor & Delivery-Audio Class & Transcript by Jenni Wilson of Natural Oil Mom ($19.95)
  • Cold & Flu Season: Are You Ready? by Carol Little ($9.99)
  • Common Sense Home Remedies Book #1 – Head, Throat & Chest by Laurie Neverman of Common Sense Home ($2.99)
  • Common Sense Home Remedies Book #1 – Skin Troubles by Laurie Neverman of Common Sense Home ($2.99)
  • Common Sense Home Remedies Book #1 – Tummy Troubles by Laurie Neverman of Common Sense Home ($2.99)
  • DIY Lavender Creations by Stacy Karen of A Delightful Home ($5.99)
  • Essential Oils Planner by Amy Bayliss of AmyBayliss.com ($5.95)
  • Essential Oils: Separating Truth from Myth by Kristen Smith of Smithspirations ($9.95)
  • Essential Oils: The Herbalist’s Toolkit by Amber Meyers of Herbal Academy of New England ($4.99)
  • Handbook of Home Remedies by Wellness Mama (list her this way on the site) of Wellness Mama ($24.00)
  • Herbs & Oils: Beyond the Basics by Jessie Hawkins of Vintage Remedies ($165.00)
  • Homegrown Healing: From Seed to Apothecary by Chris Dalziel of Joybilee Farm ($9.97)
  • How to Create Healing Herbal Baths by Kami McBride of Living Awareness ($19.99)
  • Mama and Baby Herbal Wisdom by Kate Tietje of Modern Alternative Mama ($7.95)
  • Safe EO Labels – Set A by Lea Harris of Using EOs Safely ($19.99)
  • The Essential Oils Course by Edie Wadsworth of Living Life in Grace ($39.00)
  • Using Essential Oils Safely & Effectively by Natalie Vickery of The Family Herbalist ($12.50)
  • Wholistic Vitality: Healing Foods for the Whole Family by Dr. Karen Lee of DrKarenSLee.com ($9.99)

BONUS: 50% off at Golden Poppy Herbs

Last day to get yours is today, Thursday, December 29th.

Get your bundle Here


Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle – Get It Today! Read More »