Guest Post – Kupon Girl

Guest Post

Startamomblog -A Blogger Interview With Suzi Whitford

blog interview

A Blogger Interview With Suzi Whitford (Startamomblog)

Can you tell our readers about yourself and your blog?
  • I’m Suzi and I started blogging almost a year and a half ago. Before I became a blogger I was a stay at home mom, and before that, I worked for GE and Walt Disney World as an Industrial Engineer. As a stay at home mommy I wanted to use my engineering skills again, and blogging proved to be the perfect outlet. I am able to connect with other moms, share my technical knowledge and still be home with my girls.
What inspired you to start a blog?
  • Pat Flynn, he’s amazing and kind and super smart. And my hubby. He works so hard for our family every day, I wanted to find a way to also contribute to the family finances.
How do you stay motivated to keep your blog up and running?
  • The constant emails I get from my amazing students keep me motivated to work hard and produce amazing content. Also, the happy little faces of my beautiful little girls inspire me every day to wake up early and work hard on my blog.
Tell me about your proudest achievement?
  • Creating and launching my course, Blog by Number. I worked my tushy off creating the course and I love helping my student through it.
What was the most challenging moment in your blogging journey so far?
  • Every day has had challenges. It’s at times difficult to balance a clean home, well cooked family dinners, a growing blog and the needs of my little ones. But the most challenging is dealing with negativity. I’m fine to deal with stress and being overwhelmed. But it’s when negative energy creeps in that things go south.
Are you affiliated with any companies and how many?
  • I’m affiliated with the companies and products I use. My amazing hosting provider, SiteGround, my email marketing manager, Convertkit, multiple blogger’s products and of course, the amazing Amazon.
A lot of people think that blogging is an easy way to make money online. Do you have any resources to share for our readers that are interested in making money from their blog?
  • Blogging is a way to make money online, but it’s not easy. It takes hard work and dedication. But the beautiful thing is that it’s yours. You work for yourself, set your own hours and work 1:1 with your readers or clients. I absolutely love working with other bloggers and growing our online businesses together. A few of my favorite posts on making an income with blogging are How to Make Money with a Small Blog and How to Make Money Blogging.
Have you taken any online blog courses that you have implemented into your own blog? Which one(s) would you recommend for other bloggers and why?
  • I have taken Sticky Blogging to improve my writing, invested in many blogging ebooks, and taken Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. They are all amazing courses that have helped me grow my blog.
What do you do in your spare time?
  • I love playing with my girls, reading them books and watching good Disney movies. I also love cleaning, to me it’s therapeutic. At nights I enjoy drinking wine with my husband and chatting about our days.
Where do you see yourself 5 years from now in blogging?
  • Running a successful blog with 2-3 full time virtual assistants to help me. Continuing to help moms and build strong friendships online.
Suzi  has created a bundle of 200 Beautiful and Affordable Stock Images. These photos can be used to promote your blog and to add color to your site.
You get 12 packages with multiple images inside each one to download.
  • Teal
  • Yellow
  • Simple
  • Billy Ball
  • Coffee
  • Posh
  • Feminine
  • Stars
  • Crafts
  • Orange
  • Roses
  • Modern

Price: Just $19.99

I am sharing a few of these amazing photos of this bundle that I purchased recently!
stock photos for your blog
Beautiful and Affordable
I personally want to Thank Suzi, at Startamomblog for taking time out of her busy schedule to do this interview.

**Are you interested in starting a blog and making money from home? I would love to hear your replies.

Check out Startablogybynumber today.


Startamomblog -A Blogger Interview With Suzi Whitford Read More »

Blogger Guest with Kim – Barefoot Budgeting!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you all had a great weekend!

Today, for you all, I have a special Blogger Guest that I interviewed.

Let us all Welcome Kim!


What is the name of your blog and website link?

Kim: My Blog is Barefoot Budgeting,

 About Barefoot Budgeting



Kim – Tell me about yourself:

About myself?  Oh, this is serious sounding now.  I don’t often talk about ‘myself’ not even in my blog.  I see the blog as an extension of my Facebook community and usually talk about ‘us’ and ‘we’.   If I were to sum up a little about ‘me’, this would be something like how it would go.

I am a Grandmother to 3 of the most handsome young men on the planet! I’m a mom to an amazing daughter who well, gets it all from her grandmother!  She is creative, funny, energetic, and can cook like no one else I know, as in YUM! She’s pretty freaking awesome behind a camera too, has a natural way of seeing things that reflects in her photos.  I’m also a step mom to a pretty cool daughter who is driven and incredibly talented in her own right.  She doesn’t hear it from me often but I’m pretty proud of how much she’s accomplished on her very own!

My husband keeps me grounded.  He’s my rock and as a step dad I couldn’t have written a description of a better person to fill those shoes!  He’s the hardest worker I’ve ever met.  While he tries hard to show the world his ‘tough guy’ side he can’t help but always be there for anyone and everyone that needs a helping hand.  Before we all became a ‘family’ I was a single mom for a LOT of years.  I think, No… I know that is where I get my passion for wanting to help others save, budget, have more in their lives and less stress getting there.

I was laid off after 15 yrs. in healthcare office (back in January) and reminded our world’s can change in an instant.  I’d already been meeting many people in our Facebook community with more struggles than a job, but this really brought me back into the thick of it, reminding of all my past struggles.  It was very earth shaking for me, like a post traumatic episode. I pushed even harder to get the blog up and running at that point and reaching out to help even more.

I truly believe in two things: If you teach a man to fish you feed him for a lifetime (Chinese proverb) and It is in Giving that we Receive (St. Francis prayer).  I try to live by these things the best I can and carry them out in my daily life, my Facebook Community and the Blog.  


Is blogging your profession or a hobby?

Kim: Blogging is currently my ‘hobby’.  This year has been dedicated to learning, growing and paying it forward and paying it back.  That last part won’t change, however I’m hoping to be ready for monetizing (making money for myself too) this coming year.


What do you offer your readers?

Kim: What Barefoot Budgeting offers it’s readers is ways to save and earn that are sensible, practical and  they work!  Combined with our supportive Facebook Group, you really can’t fail! 

Who has impacted you most in blogging?

Kim: I almost can’t answer that fairly.  I was probably being influenced by bloggers long before I knew they were ‘bloggers’ and thought I was learning from ‘websites’.  Of course, you at Kupon Girl have been my longest blogging friend and well, ALWAYS there day or night with my ‘rants’ my ‘tears of frustration’ and yes, my over the top excitement when something finally works!  (technical aspects have been a challenge for me for sure!)


Can you share a few of your favorite bloggers?

Kim: Blogs I aspire to be like with my own style would be Making Sense Of Cents.  Of course I’m light years older so my style would be different, but I greatly admire how well and thoughtful Michelle puts her site together with great care for her readers.


What do you find hard about blogging?

Kim: The hardest part of blogging has been the technical aspects mostly, I muddle through with a lot of tears and frustrations but never give up.  I’ve had a recent revelation that what I love about my Facebook Group and what’s missing on my blog is the ‘fun’ the ‘caring’ and how to better reflect that in my posts.

I need to start adding in more ‘personal’ stories on the posts. I feel like if the readers aren’t in our Facebook Group they aren’t feeling just how much ‘behind’ the post goes on.  I need to find a way to reflect that part onto the blog too.  I love my blog but want others to love it too, know that I really do care how they do and want to be there for them cause well, that’s really why I do this.


Have you met anyone interesting or famous on your blogging journey?

Kim: I believe everyone is interesting, truly, they are.  I find some resonate more so than others but everyone’s got a story that brought them to this world and I find them each unique and inspiring on their own.  As for famous people, I won’t kiss and tell but there are possibly a few well knowns in my Facebook Group.  They’re there for the same reason we all are, to learn, be supportive and help one another, so while I’d love to have them ‘tweet’ a post or two, I’d never overstep their privacy.


What do you do in your spare time?

Kim: So, in my spare time there’s not much unique.  I like to dive into crafts now and then, usually in the winter. Mostly I enjoy learning then sharing with others how to do it.  I spend lots of time with my two German shepherds, Bodhi and Dharma and oh yeah… we raise hens for eggs and garden.  Pretty typical stuff, nothing wild and crazy at my age.  


How can your readers and companies contact you?

Kim: If anyone reading this interview has questions, needs help with savings and earnings tips or wants to ‘chat’ I can be reached at  and I’d love to hear from you!  

Thank you Kim! 🙂

Did you find this interview helpful today? Feel free to leave a comment! Thanks 🙂














Blogger Guest with Kim – Barefoot Budgeting! Read More »