Hurry! This offer is available again!
Sign up for a free Walmart Welcome Baby Box! Click the ‘Sign Up Now’ link on the left of the page (under where it says Welcome Box) and then fill in the form to order yours! Free boxes available while supplies last. Allow up to five weeks for delivery of your free sample to arrive in your mailbox. **NOT mobile friendly! Please access the form from a desktop/laptop.
- The best brands delivered to your door!
How does the Baby Box subscription work?
There are 3 Baby Boxes: Prenatal, Newborn, and Toddler. Each of these boxes is sent 1 time at the appropriate age according to your baby’s birthdate. Depending on which box you begin with, you will then be sent the next boxes in line at appropriate times according to your baby’s birthdate.
If you’ve received this previously you might not be able to sign up for this again!